The mid-morning kicked off with a session on facilitation methodologies. Safiya began by discussing the various approaches required for small, and large groups respectively. She also emphasised the importance of knowing who the people are, the skills they have, and being aware of diversity within groups.

Some points to consider for large groups:

Ensure people understand the issue at hand

Explore the different perceptions and knowledge

Establish ground rules in order to aid the process

Be aware of those who may dominate the discussion

Some points to consider for small groups:

Make sure the task is clear for everyone

Ensure they can manage themselves

Allocate time for the group to explore ideas and topics

Safiya stressed the reality of time constraints and the issues this may pose. She explained that the most important factor is making sure the entire group are able to participate. She also highlighted the issue surrounding “process intervention”, and that discussions should only be intervened when the group is struggling or in need of clarification, among other potential difficulties.

The session continued with a group task where the Delegates had to match content to potential methodologies and explain their choices.


Our Lebanese Delegates enjoying a well deserved break before the session started!